Are Coaches Our Forgotten Athletes?

Our Coach’s, Our forgotten Athlete’s

Writer Graziella Thake BA. Psych Ma. Psych NZPS PhD CandidateResearcher, Writer, International Speaker, CEO

Research has shown that the social psychology involved in coaching is multi-dimensional and should be a part of coach development, especially as coaches step more and more into the realm of being recognised educators.

The interesting part is there is a juxtaposition for our coaches as many themselves have been athletes, and that tie to their sport runs deep.

Coaching identity is multi-dimensional but one thing we can confirm is that coaches are often under-represented in the voice of sport, yet that they have strongest, longest lasting voice.

There are many different facets that dictate how, why, and when we enter coaching, but it is clear that coaches may be our forgotten athletes, and are often not supported, and equipped with the tools to assist them in becoming the best educators and administrators they can be.

2020 has seen huge changes in sport, the likes of which has never been experienced and as we return to a new normality. Therefore, building the recognition of coaches as educators needs our attention, and action. It’s our coaches collective moment to take the stronghold of their role as educators, and for us to seek to support them with the tools they need. This will be necessary to take sport, and sport as a community building asset forward into a new limelight.

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