Over the years I’ve found traversing from forensics into corporate, then corporate into having my own business a bit like beauty & the beast. For most of us success can look very different, and it’s the truth of those moments when clients you know you’ve been striving to make a difference, benefit from an outcome that was a long time a longed for opportunity, that maybe you can tick one of those boxes.
It’s only those moments, when your truely successful that you meet the “beast “ though. While your at the pinnacle of social & economic outcomes because they want what that can give them/ you/us .. it’s as much an event that can occur to turn the tables …as that opposing force you feel when good shows up. We’ve all been there as leaders.
It’s the distraction trying to draw away from the good outcomes for cultural groups or clients & noticeably turn attention to them as it’s not the cause they are truely there for.
Often in our courses & programs we’re working with supporting & educating, also with our teams and partners.. that is the nature of culture building. We see it so frequently and there’s an old saying that’s floated through time and no matter what our religious intent “ let go let God “ has been translated many times.
Often we see the hunger, pain, and circumstance of nations, communities and social currencies, and we feel uncomfotabke, driven or helpless. Usually it’s the unthinkable like people taking resources, IP, or trying to be what they have seen, harming with intent …. as greed means they always are not not authentically themselves, but more attaching to the attention they need to themselves or problems not the work itself.
It easy from the outside looking in to assume we know & jealousy & judgment is a madness through gas lighting and elevation set apart the moths & the fireflies. Countries & people become misjudged or judged. Moths are only drawn to a flame .. fireflies contribute & become part of an ongoing legacy that belongs to outcomes, not individuals.
As leaders in a changing climate we have to see both for their value as even the moth has value as it creates change that can look bad, but it actually ends up being an incredible opportunity that wouldn’t have been there if the moth hadn’t created a small wind.
The challenges are the moments when 0 to hero happens & the unthinkable happens something incredible & remarkable that elevates your business, people & outcomes ….remember don’t step off the climb, as true leaders of nations emerge at this time.
Stories of success are built upon those moments when trust belief hard work and the real heart not just for the commercial but the social economic outcomes delivers a truely remarkable future for all. Hope is an exchange of vision & dedication.
Lots of great things are coming for this amazing nation & its people – Nigeria 🇳🇬 70% of its population are below 30 – a fountain of incredible growth and innovation. Take the opportunity to get to know nigeria.